Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Overall, I would rate my current mindset as mostly growth, some fixed. I could stand to adjust my patterns of thinking some, but my current mindset is largely one that supports my continued learning. 

One respect in which I could stand to improve is my motivation. In addition to struggling with finding internal motivation to work at a good pace, I find myself too often allowing myself to settle for doing the bare minimum in terms of the amount of work that I actually do. While this means that I get the amount done that I need to, it also puts me in a position of always feeling like I'm trying to catch up. I set good goals, the problem is that I have difficulty focusing enough to meet these goals. Perhaps I should be more careful about using scheduling to my advantage. 

In order to achieve these improvements, I'm going to focus on being better about scheduling my time well. I am confident that when I start being more responsible with my time, I will begin to see more of the benefits of being curious and willing to learn manifest. For example, once I am using my time more wisely I will have more time to practice my writing and take good notes on reading because I won't be doing things last minute. I'll also have more time to utilize some of the great feedback I've been receiving on my works.

I also think that I could stand to take more risks with my writing. Although I've stretched my ability some, I think I could improve greatly if I would diverge further from the style of writing I usually adopt. I have a tendency to write in a flowery, descriptive manner. Trying something in a more terse, Hemingway-esque style might be a good exercise. The change could be good for my skillset.

In essence, though, I feel I have done a good job so far of utilizing the Growth Mindset.


  1. A few things. First off your insight on yourself is a great aspect to have. Being able to tell what your doing right or wrong, or what needs to be improved means you have tamed the beat that is yourself, you are simply learning to control it. I am the same way! I have a issue with procrastination that can sometimes lead to my demise. Something I found that helps me is strict scheduling, planning, and setting a timer to finish my goals by.

  2. As for writing stories and such, there is only one thing I can recommend that works for myself. Sit down for writing and just start. Don't think about it before hand, just begin the writing. I work best when the story flows from my mind naturally. Don't stress over the what or why for writing, just write.
    As our friendly neighborhood Shia Labeouf always reminds me: "Just Do It!"

  3. I agree that sometimes it is hard to find the internal motivation to do a task and that it takes rewards or an absolute need to get motivated to do it. I feel like you did a great job identify areas where you are struggling and have an excleent plan to make improvements! This was about 7 weeks ago so I hope that the plan helped you!
