Changing Review Weeks to Planning Weeks:
I feel that changing the review week in the middle of the semester would be a good idea because it would help to keep students focused on the future of the class and the work that still needs to be done; however, I feel that changing the final review week to a regular continuing week would take away from the benefit of the class because the review week provides students an opportunity to examine how their perspective and skills have developed as the semester has progressed.
Expand the Story Planning Option:
I really appreciated having the story planning option. Originally, I didn't think that I would take advantage of it, but around halfway through the class, I gave it a try and discovered that it could be highly beneficial to take a week to outline how I want my story to progress. This option helped refine my writing.
Create More Audio Recordings
I found the audio recordings very helpful and agree that expanding them could be good for future students.
Create Writing Tutorial Videos:
While tutorial videos can be a useful tool, I feel that you would be going through more trouble than necessary by creating full writing tutorial videos. I think that students could benefit equally if you simply provided links to useful sites that explain grammar tools and tips.
Create Thematic Writing Units:
This is an excellent suggestion. For me, at least, it was a little overwhelming to try and select one piece from among the hundreds and hundreds I had to choose from. Narrowing my choices down by theme each week could reduce the stressful nature of picking out what to read.
I don't have any additional suggestions. I really enjoyed this course, and I felt like it was a great experience. Thank you!
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